Tableau Business Intelligence Using the 9 Steps of Kimball’s Data Warehouse & Extract Transform Loading of the Pentaho Data Integration Process Approach in Higher Education


  • Indrabudhi Lokaadinugroho Universitas Bina Nusantara
  • Abba Suganda Girsang
  • Burhanudin Burhanudin



Tableau, Business intelligence, Data warehouse, Nine steps of Kimball, ETL, Pentaho Data Integration, Higher education


This paper discusses about how to build a data warehouse (DW) in business intelligence (BI) for a typical marketing division in a university. This study uses a descriptive method that attempts to describe the object or subject under study as it is, with the aim of systematically describing the facts and characteristics of the object under study precisely. In the elaboration of the methodology, there are four phases that include the identification and source data collection phase, the analysis phase, the design phase, and then the results phase of each detail in accordance with the nine steps of Kimball’s data warehouse and the Pentaho Data Integration (PDI). The result is a tableau as a tool of BI that does not have complete ETL tools. So, the process approach in combining PDI and DW as a data source certainly makes a tableau as a BI tool more useful in presenting data thus minimizing the time needed to obtain strategic data from 2-3 weeks to 77 minutes.


Plum Analytics


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