Simulation Techniques in Sugarcane Transportation Model Using R Programming Language


  • I Gusti Agung Anom Yudistira Bina Nusantara University
  • Asysta Amalia Pasaribu Bina Nusantara University
  • Aryusmar Aryusmar Bina Nusantara University



R Programming, Simulation, Circular Transportation System, Sugarcane


The R programming language is generally known for its strength in Monte Carlo simulations, and numerical computing. This study will try to utilize R for discrete event simulations, namely in transportation systems, especially sugarcane transportation. The purpose of this paper is to study the performance of the sugarcane transportation system from the plantation to the factory, by utilizing the R programming language. The things that will be studied are to obtain changes in the system parameters so that more optimal performance is obtained. These parameters include the time required for the sugarcane to be in the transportation system, the length of the sugarcane pile in the plantation before being transported, the amount of resources needed for all transportation activities (loading, transporting and unloading), the number of transport equipment, loading equipment and unloading equipment needed, so that the harvest target is met and the waiting time for the sugarcane to be milled is as minimal as possible. As well as the level of utility of all resources provided in the system. The stages in this study include 1) literature review, 2) describing the sugarcane transportation system, 3) building assumptions and system constraints, 4) designing the transportation system conceptually, 5) developing programming code, 6) model testing/verification, 7) model validation, and 8) conducting experiments on the model. The results of the analysis of the model output indicate that the “open source R” programming language can be effectively applied to model the sugarcane transportation system.


Plum Analytics

Author Biographies

I Gusti Agung Anom Yudistira, Bina Nusantara University

Statistics Department, School of Computer Science

Asysta Amalia Pasaribu, Bina Nusantara University

Statistics Department, School of Computer Science

Aryusmar Aryusmar, Bina Nusantara University

Language Center, Computer Science Department, Faculty of Humanities


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