A Analysis and design of Employee Data Processing Application Using QR Code With Webcam (Case Study: PT. Adhicon Perkasa)


  • Ayuliana Bina Nusantara University
  • Febrian Vingky Nurfitriana Bina Nusantara University
  • Fadhilah Dirayati Bina Nusantara University




Attendance, recapitulation, QR Code, Employee Data


Employee attendance is a process of recording employee attendance that is commonly used in companies using technology such as fingerprint attendance, web-based attendance, android-based attendance, Quick Response Code attendance and others. The use of technology is expected to help in managing attendance data. The purpose of this study is to design a Web and Android-Based Quick Response Code Attendance Application that can facilitate the process of attendance and daily attendance recapitulation so that the results obtained are more accurate, then the stored data is used to calculate employee meal money needs per day. The research method is divided into problem identification, solution development, and system design. The interview approach by taking a case study at PT. Adhicon Perkasa. The results of this study are the Quick Response Code Attendance Application that can make the attendance process more accurate, minimize human error, and facilitate attendance recapitulation for calculating daily meal money. It is concluded that with this application, employee performance is expected to increase because there is no need to make manual attendance reports and the calculation of meal money is more accurate.


Plum Analytics


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