Research on The Empirical Analysis of Bitcoin and Gasoline Return


  • Asysta Amalia Pasaribu Bina Nusantara University



Return, Autocorrelation Function (ACF), Bitcoin, Gasoline, Leptokurtic Distribution


Investment is an activity that is popular nowadays. Profitable investments are the hope of every investor. By investing. investors expect the invested assets to generate returns and to obtain profits for future life In investment studies. the most frequently discussed topic is the fluctuations. whether increases or decreases. of an asset's price (stocks). The risk of investment is loss in financial. The fluctuations of stock prices represent risks in the investment field. One measure used to determine gains and losses from stock prices is the return. To know return from data. we may use the compound return formula. Returns have empirical facts that require several tests. In this study. the empirical facts of returns are that the returns are not autocorrelated (autocorrelation function) and that the returns are leptokurtic distributed (thick-tailed distribution). We use the price data of Bitcoin (BTC) and Gasoline (UGA) from January 1. 2019. to December 31. 2023. The main of purpose of this research is to show empirical analysis of the Bitcoin and Gasoline return data. The results of the empirical analysis show that the return of stock price for Bitcoin (BTC) and Gasoline (UGA) meet the empirical properties of returns so that they can capture a good volatility model.


Plum Analytics

Author Biography

Asysta Amalia Pasaribu, Bina Nusantara University

Statistics Department, School of Computer Science


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