Bayesian Accelerated Failure Time Model for Risk Pregnancy Detection


  • Dennis Alexander Bina Nusantara University
  • Sarini Abdullah Universitas Indonesia
  • Adam Fahsyah Nurzaman Bina Nusantara University



Censoring, Convergent, MCMC, BMI, MAP


Preeclampsia (PE) also known as a hypertension during third trisemester of pregnancy. PE, is one of the most feared complications of pregnancy because it can potentially become serious complications in the future, including mother and fetus’s death. The goal of this study is other than to have a bettter undestanding about risk factor in pregnancy by modelling the relationship between several factors and the time until deliveries under the PE condition. Data on 924 patients at obstetric and gynecology department in Jakarta were used in the analysis. Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) model was proposed to indentify some risk factors that influenced the condition. Model parameters were estimated using Bayesian method. Due to imbalance data, undersampling method will be used as a pre-procesing stage. Ratio between PE and non-PE data will be 60:40. Flat prior and posterior sample will be used using MCMC simulation with 12,000 iterations (including 2,000 iterations as a burnin stage) to get a convergen result. The iteration was repeated for 100 times so that the chosen data from undersampling was not error and biased. A consistent result for credible interval of the mean result was considered as the factors that affect PE condition consistently. From this study, there are two factors that have consistent Credible Interval result, Body Mass Index (BMI) and Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP).


Plum Analytics

Author Biographies

Sarini Abdullah, Universitas Indonesia

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Mathematics

Adam Fahsyah Nurzaman, Bina Nusantara University

Information Systems Department, School of Information Systems


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